Friday, February 27, 2009

In the Beginning

Daily I am confronted with areas in my life in which conservation would be a more appropriate choice. Whether it is conservation of my own actions or speech, conservation of energy (both the power grid type and personal)or conservation of thought. It seems to me that there is a ton of daily waste in our culture and that altering our behavior to a more conservative level is huge in our physical and mental survival on this planet.

I expect to gripe some about other people and their actions, offer helpful hints about living more simply, put in some calls for mental and emotional work and sometimes throw out some stats etc about helping the planet. This blog is called Planet Aid because we all need to "drink the cool-aid" of conservation to make the world a better place for all its inhabitants.

Tomorrow I will tell you about a pet peeve that reflects not only on our lazy wasteful behavior as a culture but is a bad parenting move as well.

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